Friday 11 November 2011

How to Create a Foursquare Business Page.

Since the introduction of Foursquare business pages, they were all created in-house and where restricted to Foursquare’s creation. The creation of brand pages isn’t limited to the big boys anymore; Foursquare announced its self-serve option for creating business pages on Foursquare.

Previously, a massive amount of time was contributed to making 3,000 pages for brands in an 18-month period. This work was daunting and used massive amounts of resources to create something unique for each page. Foursquare’s new self-serve option caters to small businesses who rely on Foursquare, yet are big enough to bring in large amounts of tips and check-ins to the location.

To get started creating a Foursquare business page, you need a Twitter account for your brand. The name of your brand will eventually become your address on Foursquare ( will become, so pick wisely.

Once you log in with your Twitter account, you’re also given the option to connect a Facebook account as well, but it isn’t required.

You can now move on to page settings, where you name your page and input more information about your brand. You’re able to upload an icon for your page, but by default it will take your Twitter picture and use that. There is a wide range of selections on this page; you may also upload a banner for the top of your page to highlight your business.

Moving down the settings page, you’ll also notice that you can add managers. This is friendly for allowing multiple people to edit and maintain your Foursquare page to keep it active and looking great.

After adding all of the information and design tweaks to your Foursquare page, it’s time to create tips for your brand. Foursquare has this great deal: if you provide five tips for other brands across Foursquare, you can submit it to the Page Gallery to be seen by the users.

If you have any experience with managing Facebook pages, it feels similar; when you manage your brand’s page, you’re using that page as the brand and not your Foursquare account. You’ll notice at the top of the page that it’ll warn you when you’re using the page as the brand.

This not only gains exposure to brands that you like by your following, but it puts you out there to be seen and gain more followers of your business. It’s still a new feature and there are bound to be a couple of bugs, but over all it’s strongly designed and user friendly for anyone.

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