Tuesday 13 December 2011

Apple iPad 3 likely to arrive in 3 months.

There are chances of Apple planning to release the next generation of their iPad in the first quarter of next year. According to DigiTimes, sources within the supply chain for the company have started to ship out parts and components for Apple’s new tablet and they have claimed that the iPad 3 will arrive in the market in the next 3-4 months. Also, the OEM production of the iPad 2 will stay at 14-15 million units around the month of December following which it will slowly drop off to 4-5 million units in Q1 of 2012 to give way for the production and release of the iPad 3, a trend that Apple have followed for all their devices, so far.

The original iPad was launched in April 2010, whilst its successor, the iPad 2 was released in March 2011. If the timeline does have a similar pattern for the iPad 3, then the chances of us seeing the new tablet in the first quarter of 2012 are pretty high. That it'll come; sooner or later, is what we’ll have to wait and see. What features do you think should be a pre-requisite in the iPad 3? Let us know in the comments section below.

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