Sunday 4 December 2011

Facebook buys location service Gowalla.

Facebook rolled out Places, earlier this year to get into the location service game against Foursquare. And now, they're taking the service one step further. The social network has bought Texas-based location service, Gowalla for an undisclosed sum of money, according to CNN Money. According to the report, Gowalla's staff are getting ready to move the company from Texas to California, but some will stay back in Texas and work in Facebook's local office there. However, representatives from Gowalla have not confirmed the report and Facebook representatives have declined to comment.

The reason behind Facebook purchasing Gowalla has to do with storytelling and how much of a role it plays on Facebook's new feature, the Timeline. An unnamed source told CNN Money for their report, “It’s a perfect match. As far as the big picture, Gowalla’s vision is about people telling stories, and Facebook’s vision for Timeline is about stories about important moments in life.”

According to Mashable, Gowalla's rival Foursquare has commented on the deal saying, "Congrats to Josh and the team in Austin. Here at Foursquare, we continue to focus on building an amazing product and growing our 15,000,000-strong community."

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