Tuesday 13 December 2011

Google+ brings Find My Face to enable photo tagging.

Google+ recently revealed its plans of launching Find My Face, a facial recognition feature for the fairly new social networking site, according to an official post by Matt Steiner, Engineering Lead on the Google+ Photos team. Scheduled for a roll-out shortly, Find My Face will ask your contacts to tag you in the photos you appear on. While this will make it easier during instances when there are just too many photos you appear in, Google gives you an option to control photos in which you want to be tagged, or otherwise as well as to turn this feature off, if you wish in Google+ settings.

Facial recognition has been one of the most controversial aspects of the social networking age. Facebook, just recently was in the news for having allegedly defied German security laws over its facial recognition feature ambiguities, among other sticky situations.

It'll be worth a wait to see which way Google takes this controversial feature. What do you think?

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