2012 is set to be the year for smartphones that run on quad-core processors. Specifications had leaked towards the end of last year, revealing that HTC was set to unveil two handsets that run on quad-core processors and now the latest bit of information is regarding Apple. There have been many rumours in the past claiming that Apple will use an A6 processor on their upcoming tablets and handsets, but very little was known about its configuration. According to a report by 9to5Mac, it appears that the upcoming iOS 5.1 update will not only support dual-core processing that is enabled by the A5 chips, but will also support quad-core processing.
They say, “The references to quad-core iPhone and iPad chips come by way of a hidden panel that describes cores that are supported by iOS device hardware.” People familiar with the workings of iOS have explained to them, “: A single core device would be limited to ”/cores/core.0,” and a dual-core device would come in at ”/cores/core.1.” A “core.2? (which is not referenced in iOS code) would be a triple-core processor according to this labeling method. iOS 5.1 beta 2 now includes core.3, a seemingly quad-core chip from Apple.”
From the explanation above, it seems that Apple is hard at work in keeping up with the 2012 trend of having quad-core devices. But this information is only in reference to a software that is capable of supporting quad-core processing, there is no information or rumours as yet, if Apple intends to launch a handset or tablet that runs on a quad-core processor. We have to just wait and see how this all unfolds.
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