Saturday 14 January 2012 Clutter Free Browsing. is a site that provides browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that help you browse two very popular sites – YouTube and Amazon – in a clean, clutter-free interface. It eliminates everything that it considers unnecessary and helps you focus on the main item on the page. It doesn’t work like those readability add-ons which, when clicked, clean ups webpages; instead it uses its own interface on top of YouTube and Amazon to take control right from the start.

As you can see in the screenshots above, after installing this extension, when you visit YouTube or Amazon, it redirects you to the version of the site from where you can start your searching and browsing. Not sure if all users would like this aspect but it does eliminate the clutter.


Clutter free viewing experience for YouTube and Amazon.
Browser extensions for Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Uses its own page on top of YouTube and Amazon.

Check out from here @

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