Saturday 7 January 2012

Comodo Online Storage: Get Up To 10 GB Free Digital Storage Online.

Having an online backup of your computer files is always a wise decision. Storing your files online gives you an external backup and makes your files accessible even if you are using somebody else’s computer. This convenience along with a large storage capacity and a neat user-interface is provided by a website called Comodo Online Storage.

Comodo Online Storage is a free to use web service that offers its users a large online file storage capacity and a neat interface. After you create an account on the site, you can begin uploading your files to your account. You can upload any type of file and have it organized into the folders you create. The files you upload on Comodo can also be shared; if you enable sharing for a file, a public URL is generated for it and provided to you; you can unshared the file any time.

You can keep uploading files till your overall file storage reaches 5 GB. This limit can be raised up till 10 GB if you keep referring new users to Comodo – you get 200 MB of storage capacity for each new user you refer. For users with a demand for even higher storage capacity, the site offers premium packages.


A user-friendly web service.
Lets you store files online.
Offers up till 10 GB of free online storage.
Lets you share and unshare uploaded files.
Provides a clean interface to organized your files in.
Similar tools: miMedia, ADrive and Amazon Cloud Drive.

Check out Comodo Online Storage from here @

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