Monday 16 January 2012

Notion Ink rolls out Android 4.0 Alpha ROM for the Adam.

So the Notion Ink Adam may not have won the hearts of every tech enthusiast but rather than just abandoning the product, it’s nice to see the company is still sticking with it and bringing out regular updates, like this Aplha Build of Ice Cream Sandwich for instance. The ROM is available for download from the official blog and since it’s still in the early stages, not everything is working right, just yet.

Some of the major bug fixes include audio, sensors (which include the compass), Bluetooth, Sllep bug is partially fixed, hardware acceleration for UI and video, HDMI video (without sound though), Wi-Fi, Capacitive buttons, back button, SD card mount, GPS, fixed 120dpi launcher, 0.39 Kernel. On the other hand, here are some of the things that need to be fixed. 3G still needs some work and so does the camera, USB mass storage and MTP, USB flash drive support, light sensor, hardware acceleration for HD YouTube videos and HDMI sound. If you’re still feeling adventurous then head on over to the official blog to grab the ROM. Don’t forget to read the instructions carefully before you proceed. Also, gives us a shout out in the comments on the performance of the new ROM if you happen to update it.

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