Sunday, 1 January 2012

Rexly: An iOS App For Social Music Listening.

Phone apps that have attempted making music more ‘social’ have not been as successful as they could have been. Normally these apps rely heavily on music streaming, completely neglecting your phone’s built-in music library. A refreshing exception to this is an app called Rexly.

Rexly is an iOS application that lets you share your listening habits with friends. The app is sized at only 4.8MB and compatible with iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad running iOS version 4.0 or later. By letting you connect with your Facebook account, the app connects friends with one another and helps share music listening habits. But in addition to letting you stream the songs being listened to by others, the site incorporates the iOS player to let you play your library’s songs. Songs played from your library are also added to your listening stream which is viewable to others.


1.> A user-friendly phone app.
2.> Compatible with iOS devices.
3.> Lets you share and view friends’ listening habits.
4.> Lets you stream songs and integrates iOS music library.
5.> Similar tools: MyStream and Cambox.

Check out Rexly from here @

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