Friday 13 January 2012

Sony Xperia S tops Apple iPhone 4S in screen pixel density.

Apple’s iPhone 4 and 4S have boasted of one of the highest PPI or pixel density till now in smartphone market, but no longer. Sony’s latest entry in the smartphone market Xperia S comes with an even higher display pixel density. Its 4.3 inch 1280×720p Reality display has 342ppi, while iPhone 4/4S’ 3.5 inch 960x640p Retina display has only 326ppi.

Let me use one of Apple’s statements to explain importance of PPI or pixel density, Apple says iPhone 4’s pixel density is so high that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. Which makes text amazingly crisp and images stunningly sharp. Now as Xperia S has even higher ppi, you can expect a crisper and sharper display (although there isn’t much of a difference).

Overall display quality is also dependent on other factors, which we are not going to talk about right now.

To give you some more perspective, here are PPI counts of some of contemporary smartphones:

Galaxy Nexus – 316ppi
Sony Ericsson Xperia ray – 296ppi
Samsung Galaxy Note – 284ppi
Motorola RAZR – 256ppi
Nokia Lumia 800 – 252ppi
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S – 233pp
Samsung Galaxy SII – 218ppi
LG Optimus LTE – 329ppi
Update: We have just noticed that HTC Rezound has also the same pixel density of 342.

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