Apple is expected to debut the next generation of the tablet within the first quarter of the year and keep up with the tradition of their previous iPad announcements. The Apple iPad 3 is expected to hit shelves in March with the expected announcement date rumoured to be either this or early next month. There has been a lot of talk of Apple's next iPad featuring a quad-core processor and LTE capabilities, but there was nothing concrete regarding the same, until now. According to an exclusive report by BGR, a source has provided the tech related website with images, which contain details about the Apple iPad 3 and in the said images it indicates that the upcoming tablet will feature LTE capabilities, along with a quad-core processor.
The report states that the source claims to have a prototype version of Apple next iPad and from the photos the source has obtained data regarding the tablet using a development and debug tool called iBoot. The report states, “the model numbers are J1 and J2 (iPad3,1 and iPad3,2), these two models are not different devices, just a single iPad available in two versions — one with Wi-Fi only and one with Wi-Fi and embedded GSM/CDMA/LTE for all carriers.” The website goes on to add that for the first time there is an actual confirmation as to which processor is being used on the upcoming tablet with it being an A6 processor. Featuring a model number of S5L8945X, it shows that this is an A6 processor as the Apple A4 processor featured a S5L8930X model number and the present generation A5 processor featuring a S5L8940X model number.
Apart from this, the report notes that this processor will be a quad-core making the next iPad the fastest iOS device that has ever been manufactured.
This is the first bit of actual information regarding the Apple iPad 3 available, prior to its announcement. Being fast is always a good thing and hopefully Apple will throw in a larger battery to keep the world’s most popular tablet running at high speeds for longer amounts of time. Let us know your reactions about Apple using fan A6 processor and having LTE capabilities in the next iPad.
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