Monday 6 February 2012

Study says iOS apps crash more often than Android ones.

The mobile platform wars are at their peak now. Android and iOS are the most popular platforms today and each one of them have their own set of followers. Each group feels that their favorite platform is more stable or has better apps, than the other. A mobile app statistic service, called Crittercism ( has now compiled data on the number of crashes per platform. Turns out it’s not Android, but in fact, iOS apps that crash more often. Forbes, has covered this report and it looks like apps running on the iPhone, iPod devices and the iPads may not be as stable as their Android counterparts. There are many who look at Android as being the more unorganized, because of the uncontrolled addition of apps on it.

Crittercism reports that as Apple and Google continue to release new updates to their respective operating systems, app developers have to keep up and develop new versions, test and bug fix apps. To see which platform's apps faced the most crashes, Crittercism studied the number of crashes between the 1st and the 15th of December last year. In all, some 23 versions of iOS were tested and some 33 versions of Android were tested. During that period, some 28.64 percent of all crashes were found to be on the iOS 5.0.1 operating system. During the time of the test, iOS 5.0.1 was still fairly new. But still, older and more matured versions of iOS also showed considerably large number of crashes as well. It’s also clear that not everyone updates their devices as soon as an update is released. In some cases, users don’t ever update.

Fact also is that not all users update their apps, the same way they choose not to update the operating system. Crittercism recorded some 214 million instances of app launches, but since the number of crashes were calculated based on the percentage and not just plain number comparison, this should reduce any chances of incorrect results. Android 4.0 has just recently been launched and when phones start receiving that update, the number of crashes on the brand new OS could possibly increase. Most of the crashes that Crittercism recorded on the iOS platform were primarily on the iPhone followed by smaller numbers on the iPad and the iPod Touch.

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