Sunday 12 February 2012

TextMotivate: Get Motivational Text Messages To Remind You Of Your Goals.

Settings goals for yourself is easy. But following those goals is not as easy. We often get busy in our daily routines and forget the aims we have set for ourselves. What people need is a tool that reminds them of their goals and motivates them to stick to their goals. This service is what TextMotivate provides.

TextMotivate is a very useful application that provides you with the motivation you need to achieve your goals. Various studies have shown that receiving regular motivation for your goals through text messages is extremely effective for people. TextMotivate makes use of the same SMS procedure.

You start by creating an account on the site and picking your goal from the list provided. These goals include the most popular ones people set: regular exercise, sticking to a diet, stop smoking, etc. With your goal set, the site sends you motivational text messages on your cell-phone for a monthly subscription fee of $9.99.

A user-friendly web service.
Sends you motivational text messages for your goals.
Supports numerous goals that people normally set for themselves.
Accepts credit card payments.

Check out TextMotivate from here @

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