When you buy something used, it is hard to know what a fair price is. Most new products have an MSRP, and it is easy to tell whether or not the price you are getting is below MSRP and by how much. Used products can have so much disparity from seller to seller, and the website priceonomics is designed to make sure you get a good deal on used stuff.
They currently list prices for over 50,000 products, and they plan to expand a great deal in the future. Popular products like Bose speakers, Mac Books and Ford Mustangs are well represented. The search results will show you places you can buy the item, and a general range you should expect to pay. This way you will know you aren’t being ripped off.
You can also sign up for their email list, and they will let you know when a certain product is available at a really good price. They also have price guides for all kinds of popular product categories. You can see guides for things like cars, MP3 players and Phones.
1.> Find fair prices on used products.
2.> Finds places to buy items.
3.> Sign up to be notified when a certain product is available at a good price.
4.> Price guides for various popular product categories.
Find Priceonomics from here @ www.priceonomics.com
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