Tuesday 10 April 2012

21Habit: Make Or Break A Habit In 21 Days.

Good habits are great. Brushing your teeth, taking showers and cleaning your house are all good habits. Establishing good habits is great for your overall well-being. Bad habits are the opposite. Smoking, picking your nose and biting your nails would all be generally considered bad habits. These are the kinds of habits you want to get rid of. Whether you are looking to start a great new habit, or kick a bad one, 21Habit might be your solution.

21Habit is all about starting or breaking a new habit in 21 days. Once you log in with your Facebook or create a new account, they offer two options. The first one involves investing 21 dollars. Each day you fail to meet the goal, they take a dollar and donate it to charity. If you meet the goal, you keep your money. The second choice is free, and it relies on you to stick with it without monetary motivation.

Either way, you still check in every day to report your progress towards your goal. You log in a report on how you did for the day, each day, for 21 days, until you have either broken your habit, or started a new one. You can share your successes on Facebook and Twitter, and let the world know you are improving your life.


1.> Log in with Facebook for quicker access.
2.> Create a positive new habit or kick a negative bad one.
3.> Free and donation based options, depending on how much motivation you need.
4.> Easy to use.

Find 21Habit from here @ 21habit.com

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