If you spend a lot of time on your computer, then you will know quite a lot about how certain programs and web services operate. If you would like to test your knowledge of popular services that you normally use, you could make use of a fun service called Smarterer.
Smarterer is a website where you can go to test your knowledge of Twitter, Facebook, Google, Photoshop, PHP, and a bunch of other computer-related services and tools. You start by signing in with your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account. Once you are signed in you can pick a service and answer corresponding questions under a time limit. The more questions you answer correctly, the higher your score, and the higher your position on the leaderboards.
If you have a question of your own, you can add it to the list and others will be tested on it.
1.> A user-friendly web service.
2.> Tests your knowledge about computer-related services and tools.
3.> Includes tests for Facebook, Twitter, PHP, CSS, and more.
4.> Offers leaderboards for high scorers.
5.> Lets you sign in via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Check out Smarterer @ http://smarterer.com
Smarterer is a website where you can go to test your knowledge of Twitter, Facebook, Google, Photoshop, PHP, and a bunch of other computer-related services and tools. You start by signing in with your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account. Once you are signed in you can pick a service and answer corresponding questions under a time limit. The more questions you answer correctly, the higher your score, and the higher your position on the leaderboards.
If you have a question of your own, you can add it to the list and others will be tested on it.
1.> A user-friendly web service.
2.> Tests your knowledge about computer-related services and tools.
3.> Includes tests for Facebook, Twitter, PHP, CSS, and more.
4.> Offers leaderboards for high scorers.
5.> Lets you sign in via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Check out Smarterer @ http://smarterer.com
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