Nokia has finally launched their 808 PureView Symbian smartphone for India and they’ve priced it at Rs. 33,899. For those not in the know, Nokia’s 808 PureView is the first smartphone in the world to come with a 41 megapixel camera. Other specs include a 1.3 GHz ARM 11 processor with 512 MB of RAM and of course, their Symbian running operating system. The phone has Dolby's Headphone Virtualizer and Digital Plus technology with 5.1 Surround sound, along with plenty of customizable settings and DSLR like features. The 808 PureView is also the first handset, so far that allows you to record in HD with 4x zoom and 360p video recording allows you to go up to 12x zoom while recording. There will be free apps available for the camera to enhance its use - Silent Film Director, ColorizIT, Camera Lover Pack being some of them.
features include -
4.0-inch AMOLED ClearBlack display with a 360 x 640 pixel resolution
GPS with A-GPS support
Bluetooth 3.0 with A2DP, USB 2.0
41 megapixel camera with Xenon flash, 1080p@30fps video recording
Stereo FM radio with RDS
16GB internal storage memory expandable up to 32GB via microSD card
3.5mm handsfree socket
Over the last few days, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding the handset and the talk was centered around the pricing. A few weeks ago, an image surfaced of a source page showing the price of the handset to be Rs. 29,999. However, Nokia later rubbished this by stating that they outsource certain chores, and for that they have to give price related information. So, in such cases, they furnish a dummy price, and not the actual (true) price. In this case, too(the one mentioned in the source code), Rs 29,999 is a dummy price and the 808 Pureview will not be available for this price. That led many to wonder what the actual price of the device would be upon launch. A solid indication came in the form of an online retailer listing the price as Rs. 32,000. However, when we contacted Nokia regarding the launch date, they informed us that at that time the price and the launch date had not been revealed. Now all that has been finally put to rest (and for good measure!) as Nokia have officially announced this price.
We had the opportunity to play around with a prototype of this handset and it left us more than impressed. The phone supports 1080p recording at 30fps, time interval shooting (for timelapse videos), instant sharing to Facebook, 38 megapixel shots and an option to choose between 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios. With the PureView, Nokia also introduced lossless digital zoom and it worked like a charm on the phone. The USP of this phone clearly is the 41 megapixel camera. Now, with the official price announced, would you go for the 808 PureView? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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