Monday 16 July 2012

Astroburn: Burn CDs & DVDs With Great Ease

There are numerous apps available online that let you burn file and images to a blank disc. But they present complicated options that make a simple task rather lengthy. Here to help simplify things is a wonderful desktop app called Astroburn.

Astroburn is a desktop application for Windows that lets you easily burn files and disc images onto optical discs. The app is nearly a 6 MB download and offers a free and premium version, with the premium version offering support, in case you need any.

After installation, all you have to do is run the program and select the files that you want to burn or the disc image that you want to burn. You can see whether or not your current disc can accommodate the new data in the left pane. When all is good to go, simply click the “Start Burn” button and the burning shall begin.


  • A user-friendly desktop app.
  • Compatible with Windows.
  • Lets you burn images to disc.
  • Lets you burn files to disc.
  • Shows available space on disc.

Check out Astroburn @

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