Thursday 19 July 2012

Google discontinues support for old version of Analytics page

It has been a year since Google has been supporting both the old and the latest version of their Analytics feature. Paul Muret, Director of Engineering, Google Analytics, wrote in an official blog post yesterday, confirmed that it will be 'leaving the old version behind', as it attempts to make a transition completely. Simply put, beginning from today, Google will no longer be supporting the older version of their Analytics feature that had still been running, even with the latest version, delivering real-time results had been out. There will no more be a link at the bottom of the Google Analytics Page allowing users ing users to  access the old version and all analysis, henceforth will happen in the new version. Google, further in their blog post adds, "It’s been a long journey to this point, and we hope you’ll find value in all of the features that the new version of Google Analytics offers. And our help center is a great resource to be sure you’re getting the most out of these new features and reports."

The post further goes on to add that the new version of the Analytics feature has 'been completely rebuilt on a more powerful platform', using which users can benefit from features, like - real-time results, multi-channel funnels, social reports, mobile reports, content experiments, among others. The real-time feature, quite like the name suggests shows you the activity on your site as it happens. The multi-channel funnel feature, as the post puts it, "provides insight on the full path to conversion over a 30 day period."

The variety of marketing channels used to find your website are displayed, and not simply the last click, so you can make better decisions on your marketing investments. Social reports aid users in gauging the impact that their social marketing moves have been having. This way users can evaluate the effect  of social media in the areas that are most crucial to one's business. Mobile reports, as the name suggests again depicts the way mobile devices and AdWords mobile campaigns interact with one's website. Details such as the number of pages that have been accessed, and the amount of time spent, "as well as conversion and ecommerce insights to help you optimize your mobile strategies" are displayed, says Google. Content experiments allows site owners to show varying versions of a page to different visitors, and then use an advanced statistical engine to determine which version has the most effect.

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