Thursday 19 July 2012

Leftronic: Create Dashboard To Monitor Stats & Trends From Various Web Services In One Place

If you run a website, you most probably use numerous web services to monitor your site traffic and the response it is receiving from the online community. Amongst others, these services include Google traffic analytics and Twitter search feeds. Leftronic is a web service that gives you a single dashboard from where you can monitor those services.

Leftronic is a web service that helps businesses create custom dashboards from where they can monitor the various web services they uses. Supported online services that can be added to the dashboard include Google Analytics, Twitter, Chartbeat, Mixpanel, and Zendesk. All you have to do sign up for an account on the site, link the accounts you want to monitor, and then view your stats on your custom dashboard in real-time.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Combines web services for business.
  • Supports Google Analytics, Twitter, Chartbeat, Mixpanel, and Zendesk.
  • Shows real-time stats.

Check out Leftronic @

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