Saturday 7 July 2012

Snappschool: Get Teaching Tips To Help Your Child With Homework

Are you finding it hard to help your child as she does her homework? If so, you might need a quick guide to help you traverse through these simple yet confusing elementary problems. Fortunately, Snappschool is an email list service that sends you different teaching resources and graphic-heavy tools to let you understand your child’s challenges in doing schoolwork. This will allow you to teach them better and help your child develop better study habits.

To start using the service, you just need to enter your email and get a free subscription. After a few days, you will be asked to continue the service should you wish to. With the modest price, you will be getting several emails with more focus on math topics. Teachers and education professionals write the emails so that you are best guided to help your child. Snappschool also provides other resources like illustrations, useful charts and links to educational games.

This app gives us a great excuse to bond with our children as you help them to become more studious while at home. Knowing that you can help your child will give them the confidence to do their homework more promptly. This app is useful not only for teachers and parents but also for anyone who wants to go into tutoring young kids.


  • Get e-mail resources and for teaching and tutoring tips.
  • Include illustrations and easy-to-read material.
  • Opt in for a three-week trial or pay for the whole school year.
  • Written by teachers for parents.

Check out Snappschool @

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