Sunday 1 July 2012

WallitApp : Augmented Reality Social App To Post Messages On Virtual Walls [iOS]

What do you think would happen if you combined the salient characteristics of today’s top social networking services? Wallit is a new social platform for iPhone that combines Facebook’s social wall, Twitter’s 140-character posting limit, and Foursquare’s location-based check-in services into one app.

Wallit combines these elements while adding a unique twist to it – it uses augmented reality technology to display a location-specific wall, where people can add posts, photos, and videos to that wall as long as they are within proximity of it.

To use Wallit, first you need to be in a location where there is a created wall. You may view a wall from anywhere but you need to be actually within the place to post on a particular wall. Users cannot create walls but they can request one for a specific location. There are currently 700 created walls around the world and you can use the app’s radar function to help you find a wall near your area. Users may choose to post anonymously on walls or they may use their Facebook  or Twitter credentials. In addition, you may also choose to publish your posts in your respective Facebook or Twitter account.

Wallit offers a fresh and unique way to interact with your friends and even strangers on various popular locations.


  • Interact with people in a particular place by posting in virtual walls.
  • View these social walls using augmented reality.
  • Find walls near your area with the radar function.
  • Post on walls anonymously or by using your Facebook or Twitter account.
  • View walls from anywhere but you need to be within location to post in it.
  • Over 700 walls worldwide including in New York, San Francisco, London, and Tokyo.
  • Android app coming soon.

Check out WallitApp @

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