Tuesday, 14 August 2012

AfterFocus: Bring DSLR-Like Photography To Your Android Phone

DSLR cameras can take visually appealing photographs that your phones are usually unable to take. But a new Android app called AfterFocus might help give your photos that “DSLR look”.

AfterFocus is sized at 6.1MB and compatible with versions 2.0 or later of Android. The app lets you blur the background of your pictures to give the image subject more focus. Alternatively, you can highlight the focus area with your fingers for it to stand out.

In the Pro version of the app, you can take two photographs of the same object from slightly different positions and the focus area is automatically detected. Apart from this background blur effect, the app offers numerous visually appealing image effects that enhance your photographs.


  • A user-friendly phone app.
  • Compatible with Android devices.
  • Lets you blur background of images for DSLR effect.
  • You can draw focus region with your fingers.

Check out AfterFocus @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motionone.afterfocus

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