Sunday 19 August 2012

Gmelius: Remove Ads From Gmail & Perform Other Minimization Interface Changes

Gmail is an excellent email client but improvements can always be made. The ads shown on Gmail, for instance, could be removed to the delight of most Gmail users. A tool that performs such interface changes to Gmail is Gmelius.

Gmelius is a free to use browser tool that minimizes items on Gmail. You can use it either as an add-on for Mozilla Firefox or as an extension for Google Chrome; Opera users can also make use of Gmelius. Once the extension is installed, you can access its options to remove Gmail ads, remove the footer, make the Google logo clickable, and perform numerous other interface changes to make Gmail better suited to your tastes.

To make the most of your screen space you can hide the Google Search header and make it appear by clicking on the Search button now available in the top right.


  • A user-friendly browser tool.
  • Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
  • Removes ads from Gmail.
  • Adds numerous interface changes to Gmail.

Check out Gmelius @

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