Saturday 18 August 2012

Instagram 3.0 introduced to iOS and Android

An official blog post now confirms that Instagram 3.0 is up for download for Instagram users, both on iOS and Android platforms. Available on their respective app stores, the focus point for the new, updated version is the browsing experience, affirms the post. Interestingly, the new update brings to the table, as the app's makers put it across in the post, "a new and unique way" to view photos, their own and those of others on a map. Simply put, this means that post the update, users needn't go through  pages and pages of photos, while browsing. The post further adds that on newer devices, users should experience improved speed while browsing. Another of the additions with Instagram 3.0 is infinite scrolling in feeds; this way, users can view more photos, while browsing through the app and unlike earlier, they needn't click on "load more". Importantly, with Instagram 3.0, users can flag not only photos, but also comments for review.

Photo Maps clearly takes the spotlight in Instagram 3.0. Essentially a new way to browse through photos on Instagram, Photo Maps allows users to display their shots on a map. The Photo Map appears on a user's profile, and users can also view Photo Maps of other users from their profile. Importantly, here, as the post adds that before a map goes public, users will be asked to review the photos that they geotagged earlier. Users can also remove their photos from the Photo Map, should they find the need. This way, any associated geo-data will be removed, but the photo will remain as is in your profile.

Users can add their photos to their Photo Map by enabling the "Add to Your Photo Map" option. Enabling this option will store a user's current location, in addition to the photo and these details will then appear on their Photo Map. Here, users can also pick for a specific location  to associate their photo with.

Interestingly, with Instagram 3.0, users will be able to view their images with a bigger grid and needless to add, this will make browsing through those expansive lists of photos easy. Bigger grid photos will be visible across user profiles, the Explore tab and on hashtag and location pages.  Instagram 3.0 introduces changes to the photo upload screen, too. Now the text box for captions is larger.

To view Instagram 3.0 Photo Maps walkthrough, click here.

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