Sunday 19 August 2012

LaunchGram: Get News Of Movies,Games & Other Things You Are Waiting For To Be Released

When you are eagerly waiting for a movie, book, game, or something similar to be released, you normally keep an eye out for all news relevant to that item. But doing a web search for relevant news every day can be annoying. Here to simplify matters and make the task more convenient is a service called LaunchGram.

LaunchGram is a free to use web service that keeps you updated on news relevant to things you are waiting for. You start by creating an account on the site and then adding various items to your Following list by first searching for them on the site. For each item you get a description and relevant details such as a summary, and photographs plus trailers, if available. A pre-order link is also provided for the item.

You can then set the service to send you emails on a weekly or monthly basis. These emails include news relevant to the items in your Following list.

In this simple manner, you can stay in touch with all things you are looking forward to be released. So far the site supports games, movies, and tech gadgets such as laptops and phones. It is currently in free beta and is constantly adding more items to its list.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Provides news on items you are looking forward to be released.
  • Covers movies, games, and tech-gadgets.
  • Can send you weekly or monthly update emails.

Check out LaunchGram @

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