Wednesday 8 August 2012

Leaked images of Nokia Windows Phone 8

Images of a new Nokia prototype device running Windows Phone 7.8 or Windows Phone 8 have cropped up online.

Nokia is reported to be working closely with Microsoft for the release of a Windows Phone 8 based device. The Nokia-Microsoft alliance is expected to announce this device in September. WPDang has grabbed images of a large screen purported Nokia device running Windows Phone 8 mobile operating system. However, with the quality of images, it is difficult to make out whether the phone was indeed running Windows Phone 8 and not a Windows Phone 7.8 update.

The images of the purported Nokia device posted appear to be either of a Nokia Lumia 900 prototype or another knock-off model. The device in the image has written at the bottom, which clearly indicates that it is a prototype. It is quite uncertain whether the new Windows Phone 8 phones from Nokia will be offered with Lumia branding.

There were only two images posted and one of them was later removed. It is difficult to judge whether the phone actually had the home screen of Windows Phone 8 or whether it was a Windows Phone 7.8 update. A few points worth noting are the slim form factor and Nokia logo pushed to the top right corner instead of center. However, the ear-piece speaker is in the top centre to let the screen enjoy as much real-estate as possible.

We must wait for the formal announcement of the Windows Phone 8 devices from Nokia and Microsoft any time in the coming few weeks.

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