Thursday 16 August 2012

My Facecard: Create & Customise Your Own Smartphone Business Card [iOS]

These days, paper business cards are on the way out and digital cards are all the vogue. And it’s easy to see why. Instead of having a pile of paper cards creating a mess on your desk, you can instead swap details electronically, via computer or smartphone.  One such smartphone app is My Facecard.

My Facecard is an iPhone app that enables you to create a beautiful looking business card (a “face card”) and then exchange the details on that card with anyone else who has the app, by “bumping” the two phones together.

Making the card is simple.  After installing, you have to log in with your Facebook account.

Then you will be presented with a template upon which you can build your card.  If you don’t like the standard background images on offer, you can upload your own background image.  Also add your phone number, what social networks you want to include, and any link (such as your website).

As you work your way through the process, you will then see that you can drag everything around the screen, by long pressing on it with your finger.  So if something is not in the ideal position, then feel free to move it to wherever you want it to go.

When everything is to your satisfaction, just save it.

The success or failure of this app depends solely on how many people download and use the app.  If you have no-one to “bump” phones with, then all you have is a pretty business card on your iPhone and no way of using it.


  • Make an interactive business card with your contact details and social networking profiles.
  • Upload your own background images.
  • If someone else has the app on their phone, then “bump” the two phones together to exchange contact details.
  • Free and easy to use.

Check out My Facecard @

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