Sunday 19 August 2012

YouTube Videos Near Me: Find Videos Made Near Any Location

YouTube is an incredible service. You can find videos about almost everything. Whether you want to be informed or entertained, YouTube has videos that will give you what you need. One of the coolest features of YouTube is ability to tag a video with your location. This allows people to find out where a video was made. YouTube Videos Near Me is a service that takes advantage of this feature by showing you videos in your area, or any area you choose using Google Maps.

By default, the web app will locate you and show you videos close to where you are. There is a red location pin on the map that can be dragged around to anywhere in the world to see videos from that location. Below the map is where it will display the videos in the area.

Once you find a video you want to watch, click on the link and a pop up displaying the video will show up right on the page. It’s an incredibly quick and easy way to find videos in your area.


  • Use Google Maps to find video made in any part of the world
  • Uses browsers location services to show videos where you are
  • Drag the marker to see videos from anywhere
  • Uses YouTube’s geolocation services to find location of videos
  • Plays videos right on the page

Find YouTube Videos Near Me @

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