Saturday 18 August 2012

Zokos: Host Parties & Share Their Costs

Hosting a party often turns out to be an expensive matter. This is why people are reluctant to host gatherings and parties. But a new service called Zokos encourages people to host parties more frequently by offering them a helpful invitation platform.

Zokos is a web service that lets party hosts create online invitations for the parties that they are going to host. While creating this event, hosts can mention all the necessary details such as the event name, its description, its date, and location. Additionally the service lets the host enter the minimum and maximum number of attendees along with a ‘chipping in’ fee per guest.

When guests RSVP, they provide their PayPal details; when the number of party attendees reaches the minimum number of attendees, the transactions are made, Zokos deducts its own processing fee, and you have the necessary funds to conveniently host the party.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Lets you host parties by inviting guests online.
  • Lets you set minimum and maximum number of guests.
  • Lets you set chipping in amount per guest.
  • Processes amounts through PayPal.

Check out Zokos @

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