Tuesday 18 September 2012

CheatSheet: Get A List Of Hotkeys Compatible With The App You Are Using [Mac]

Applications for Mac computers often offer hotkey shortcuts. When running multiple apps, it becomes easy to forget which apps support which hotkey combinations. Here to help remind you is a free desktop app called CheatSheet.

CheatSheet requires your computer to run Mac OS 10.7 or later. With the app running, you can hold down the ?-Key for a while and a list of hotkey shortcuts of the current application will appear. This list displays even the most obscure shortcuts that you would probably have never found out otherwise. It helps familiarize you with the convenient hotkey options offered by the Mac applications you are using.

This is one app Mac users will definitely appreciate.


  • A user-friendly desktop app.
  • Compatible with Mac computers.
  • Lets you view list of hotkey shortcuts supported by current app.
  • Includes all shortcuts supported by app.
  • Lets you print cheat sheets.

Check out CheatSheet @ www.cheatsheetapp.com/CheatSheet

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