Thursday, 11 October 2012

Pixen: Open Source Pixel Art Editor [Mac]

Do you love creating art? Do you like doing it in an interesting style like pixel art? If you do, and you own a Mac, you should take a look at Pixen. It is a free piece of software that features a fairly deep tool set for creating awesome pixel art images with ease (of course, you will need some artistic skill).

Pixen has all the tools you need to make good pixel art. It has a pencil, magic wand, lasso, line, and more. Basically, if you need it, it is there. It also has layers built in, which allows you to get the flexibility you need to create. You can also use it for other kinds of painting as well. It even supports touch interfaces for more accuracy.

Keep in mind, this app is not designed as an image editor, so do not expect Photoshop levels of customization. It is designed for painting and creating art, so it has features catered towards that. While not as feature rich as an image editor, for painters, it offers just what they need and it is available for free.


  • Open source pixel art creator.
  • Can be used to create all kinds of art on a Mac.
  • Supports tablet interfaces.
  • All the tools you need to create.
  • Create animations.

Find Pixen on the Mac App Store

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