Saturday, 26 January 2013

Google Project glass to get bone conduction Audio

The latest patent by Google suggest that Project glass will also get bone conduction audio so say bye bye to ear plugs.

After the patent for projectable laser keypads, Google is now aiming to add a 'bone conduction' based audio technology for its Project Glass based devices.

The bone conduction audio technology helps in making devices smaller and more comfortable as there is no need for having extended sound drivers or speakers to deliver sound to the ears. The sound travels in the form of vibrations through the bones directly to the eardrums translating in to sound. Thereby the need for having sound drivers placed near to the ears is no longer required allowing designers to make smaller more comfortable devices.

According to a patent filed by the Android maker, the bone conduction based audio technology would ensure that the devices remain as ergonomical as possible while having no need to go in for bigger ear pieces disrupting the aesthetics of the device.

The drivers are placed on the deice itself but instead of transmitting voice they deliver vibrations to the bones that take the vibrations to rattle the eardrums directly, translating it in to sound.

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