Saturday, 9 March 2013

Right Zoom: Make the Maximize Icon In Mac Behave Like Windows [Mac]

If you are a new Mac user coming from Windows, you may be a little confused about the green “+” button on a window in OSX. Windows users are accustomed to clicking maximize and having the window fill up all available screen space. On a Mac, it just makes the content the original size. Fear not switchers, because with Right Zoom, you can make the “+” behave just like Windows.

All you need to do is download the free app and set it up to your preferences. Simply enable the app, and set a keyboard shortcut for when to make it zoom like Windows. Then go the Applications tab and choose if you want it work with only certain apps or all apps.

Once you finish all that, simply click “Apply” and then “Close.” The settings will be saved and you will be ready to start having your Mac maximize screens just like Windows. It does not get much quicker and easier than that.


  • Make Mac “+” button behave like Windows maximize button.
  • Choose a keyboard shortcut.
  • Choose if you want it to work in certain apps, or all apps.
  • Simple to set up.
  • Free to use.

Find Right Zoom @

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