Saturday, 23 March 2013

ShortcutFoo: Learn Keyboard Shortcuts Of Various Programming Environments

Programmers use various programming environments to type and prepare their programming code. By learning the text shortcuts for these environments, you can greatly improve your time efficiency and productivity. Here to help you practice and learn shortcuts for different environments is a web service called ShortcutFoo.

ShortcutFoo is a free to use web service that helps you practice shortcuts for various programming environments. The supported environments include Vim, Sublime, Emacs, TextMate, Visual Studio, Xcode, Command Line, and Photoshop.

As you can see, Photoshop shortcuts are also given, which will greatly help graphic designers with their work. You can pick an environment and begin practicing the shortcuts as they appear on screen.

You can also go for one of the available practice drills offered by the site to help you strengthen your shortcut skills.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Helps you practice shortcuts for different programming environments.
  • Supports shortcuts for Visual Studio, TextMate, Emacs, Photoshop, and various other platforms.
  • Offers shortcut drills for you to practice.

Check out ShortcutFoo @

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