Sunday, 5 May 2013

WishMindr: Create Wishlists & Send Timely Reminders For Them To Friends

Christmas is coming up and a lot of people will be hoping to get a present that they wished for. But others cannot know what you specifically want unless you let them know yourself. This is why some people like to share their wishlists with their friends and family to ensure that the gifts they receive for special occasions really are something they will enjoy.

There are numerous websites that let you create online shopping wishlists and gifts wishlists that are shareable; but how can you ensure that your friends will remember your wishlist before buying something for you? The answer comes in the form of WishMindr.

WishMindr is a web service that helps its users create wishlists. Your first step on the website is to create a new account. You can then begin creating multiple wishlists, preferably spreading the gifts out according to the special occasion.

You name your wishlists and also specify the date of the occasion. Next you search for items you want. This is done simply by telling WishMindr what you want; an Amazon search is conducted within the WishMindr interface. You can then see which items to add in your wishlist and which ones to ignore.

While adding an item, the default information added is simply the title of the item. But you can customize the title to add any short notes you have for that particular gift.

After adding all the items you want, you can take a look at your wishlist. More items can be searched for and added anytime.

For each wishlist, you can specify a set of email addresses that will be sent a notification email of the wishlist thirty days before the special occasion that you specified during the creation of the wishlist. You can have your friends be reminded of what you want whenever the occasion is nearing.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Lets you create online wishlists.
  • Searches products on Amazon to add them to wishlist.
  • Sends wishlist reminders via email to friends 30 days before the occasion.

Check out WishMindr @

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